Trump’s Press Secretary Sean Spicer Confused About Holocaust?

So, Sean Spicer is at it again with his foot so deep in his mouth that his toes are scratching his throat. The often controversial White House press secretary is now flirting with Holocaust denial or something like it which is a very bad look. On Tuesday, Spicer was speaking to the press trying to get across how terrible a human being Syrian President Bashar al-Assad is. That’s not tough to convey, Assad’s reputation is pretty bad among both Dems and Republicans but nothing seems to be easy for Spicer or the Trump administration.

“We didn’t use chemical weapons in World War II. You know, you had someone as despicable as Hitler who didn’t even sink to using chemical weapons,” Spicer said. “So you have to, if you are Russia, ask yourself: Is this a country and a regime that you want to align yourself with?”

Lazily, Spicer was trying to shame Russia to stop standing with Syria but he ended up bringing heat on himself with those comments. Spicer must have forgotten that Hitler used gas chambers in Nazi Death Camps during the Holocaust. Maybe he was confused as to what chemical weapons were? Either way, Spicer received a lot of blow-back from his bad attempt at psychological warfare against Putin and Russia so the press secretary had to clarify his comments.
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“In no way was I trying to lessen the horrendous nature of the Holocaust,” Spicer said. “I was trying to draw a distinction of the tactic of using airplanes to drop chemical weapons on population centers. Any attack on innocent people is reprehensible and inexcusable.”

I don’t know how you get a second chance and still brick the layup. Look, no one is going to fight you if you say Assad is a bad guy but when you try to prop him up as being worst than Hitler? That’s a losing battle every single time and the message is going to get lost. Note to Spicer, do not try to downgrade Hitler in the “all-time worst people” list. Especially during Passover. Seems like this is an extra ugly situation. You would think no one is writing and reviewing this stuff. They probably aren’t. Now Spicer will need to weather the storm as people call for his job. President Trump has bigger things to worry about now but eventually something is going to give with Spicer.

Get it together!

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