Tag Archive for Donald Trump

Trump vs North Korea: A Scary Game of Chicken

The US and North Korea relationship has never been good but throw in the new trigger happy Trump administration and this is leading to an inevitable conflict very soon. President Trump and his team have spent the past two weeks bombing things while all the little scandals and headlines plaguing the administration has taken a backseat. This may lead to… Read more →

Trump, Russia, and the Outraged Left!

This entire probe into Trump’s ties to Russia is going to be going on for a long time and may leak into the next campaign cycle. After all, this is how it is done no matter what side of the political aisle you’re standing on. Once you find something to proclaim as an “AHA” moment you ride that horse until… Read more →

Dealmaker-in-Chief Trump: Healthcare is Biggest Blow to First 65 Days

  Repeal and replace Obamacare! Donald Trump said this would be done on day one and the wheels began moving immediately after the inauguration. Work was being done on crafting the bill that would finally end Obamacare and start America on the Trumpcare train. You know how a bill becomes a law right? If not here’s an oldy but a… Read more →

BOMBSHELL: Trump Caught Saying Vulgar Comments on Women

The latest bombshell video of Donald Trump speaking crudely and demeaning about women couldn’t come at a worse time. Two days before a pivotal debate vs Hillary Clinton the Republican nominee and his campaign is scrambling. There are a lot of things Donald Trump may be able to get away with among his own party but this? Donald Trump already… Read more →

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