WTF Happened This Week: WWE Edition


That is not comfortable....

Duck, Duck, Duck, Duck…Goose!

March 3rd as Monday Night Raw was set to begin, the air was electric. This Chicago crowd is known to be very vocal but they were going to blow the roof off this show. Project #HijackRawwas underway and they were going to chant for hometown favorite CM Punk all night to show the WWE that they aren’t happy. As if the WWE doesn’t desperately want CM Punk back. Trust me, they do. He’s one of their biggest stars. Biggest draws. The chant began as Raw went live and a few second later CM Punk’s music hit, sending the crowd into a frenzy of cheers and applause. Instead of CM Punk coming out,

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Paul Heyman walked to the ring. Heyman proceeded to sit in classic CM Punk Pipebomb Hero pose in the center of the ring and drop a great promo how it’s the fans fault CM Punk quit, then expertly weaved the story back into his current program managing Brock Lesnar against the Undertaker.

It was a brilliant move by the WWE as was the entire show that followed. They immediately addressed the elephant in the room, which must have satisfied some of the audience, then gave us a great show. The show included a title change, a Wyatt vs Shield match that had some great spots before ending in an apparent Shield split, and Daniel Bryan vs Batista. With all of the action, there was barely anytime for the fans to breathe. Also, it seemed whenever someone the fans hated was in the ring, they were opposite someone the fans loved. So we got HHH and Bryan, Cena and Wyatt, Bryan and Batista. So it looks like the WWE dodged a huge bullet that was waiting for them in Chicago and they can continue with their push towards Wrestlemania. The WWE Network launched a week ago, so they could not afford a bad show. CM Punk is not going to come back until after Wrestlemania at the earliest, if at all, so hopefully the people understand that and they can move on. Final Thought: If the WWE gave us more shows like they did Monday, the fans wouldn’t be so upset at the product.

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