Five Great Reveals From North Korea’s Sony Hack

North Korea Hacking

By this time most are aware about the big hacking of Sony that the FBI has blamed directly on North Korea, but there are always a few late guests to the party who have no idea what I am talking about. If you’re one of those people then how did you find this page? To bring you up to date really quickly, there was a huge hacking at Sony pictures as the intruders stole mountains of documents and emails by hacking into an administrators account, or something like that. The hackers attacked Sony due to a Seth Rogen James Franco movie they made, The Interview. The government has pinpointed North Korea as the culprit using sophisticated tracking software that led them directly to North Korea. Think of it like star 69. Then instead of admitting they were behind it North Korea said they had nothing to do with it and would like to help the US find the perpetrators. Right. Ok Kim Jong, we believe you. Well, documents and emails have been released revealing tons of juicy information and we have a list of some of the more interesting reveals. Like finding a skid mark in a persons underwear, let’s get started.


Kevin Hart

5. Kevin Hart made $2 Million for Tweets:

In an email exchange between Sony Executives it was revealed that Sony paid Kevin Hart an additional $2 million to tweet about two movies to his 14.8 MILLION followers. One of the promotional tweets read as follows: “Make sure yo go support my Brother this weekend by seeing “No Good Deed” …. & Idris kill this movie!” Sony executives also expressed frustration that Hart would ask for more money to tweet about his own movies, calling him a whore. Hart replied saying he takes care of his brand and knows his worth. Yea, $2 million a tweet tells me that Hart is doing things right.


Spiderman and Captain America

4. We Almost Had A Spiderman/Captain America Crossover:

Sony currently owns the rights to make Spiderman movies leaving one of the most important characters from the Marvel Cinematic Universe out of the fold for Marvel/Disney to use. Well, back in October after Amazing Spiderman 2 was met with lukewarm reviews, Sony and Marvel discussed a deal where Marvel would make a trilogy of Spiderman movies of their own in partnership with Sony splitting profits and tying the worlds together. Right now with Sony owning the rights to make Spiderman movies, Disney makes a killing off Spiderman merchandise. According to one of the emails Disney will make about $300 million this year alone off Spidey merch. The deal broke down because, among other issues, Sony’s insistence to keep Andrew Garfield as Spiderman. We could have seen Spiderman play a role in the next Captain America: Civil War movie. Rumors are that the sides are still in discussions, especially after this hacking has dealt Sony a big publicity black eye.

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3. Sony Executives Are Douchey and A Little Clueless:

We know that executives are usually not the nicest people but we know how bad Sony’s are. Some of the worst coming from Sony Entertainment co-chairman Amy Paschal. Want some of the greatest hits from this piece of work? In one email exchange, Paschal likened A-list actors taking on smaller roles on TV to the new IT thing like actors adopting black babies. In one email Scott Rudin called Angelina Jolie a “minimally talented spoiled brat”. In another email Sony Producer Michael De Luca commented on the size of Michael Fassbender’s genitalia. There is also emails detailing a dislike within Sony for Adam Sandler movies, Leonardo DiCaprio being called “despicable” for backing out of the Steve Jobs movie, and emails making fun of Willow and Jaden Smith.


Men in Black Jump Street

2. Sony Is Planning Some Weird Movies:

Look Sony, I don’t know who you have running things over there but please do not, I repeat DO NOT, make a Aunt May movie. The spin-off was set to follow Peter Parkers Aunt May, played by Sally Field in the new movies, in some past exploits. It just sounds ridiculous. On the thumbs up front though, I would definitely be down for a crossing of the Jump Street movies with Channing Tatum and Jonah Hill with Men In Black’s Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones. That sounds like a pretty damn cool recipe. Another plan includes a Django/Zorro crossover with Tarantino who actually wrote it as a comic that dropped in November. Other plans include a Super Mario Bros animated movie, as well as sequels to Salt, Hotel Transylvania, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, Grownups and Smurfs.

Obama Rudin Paschal

1. Racism, Racism, Racism:

The level of racism that is just casually tossed around among Sony top brass is ridiculous to me. How is it that you can just be so nonchalant about it? The whole “black babies” statement from earlier was just a small sample. Amy Paschal and Scott Rudin had an email exchange on President Obama and the pair discussed what some of his favorite movies might be. It started when Paschal asked Rudin what she should discuss with the President of the United States at some “stupid” fundraiser. Paschal wanted to ask if the President liked Django Unchained. Rudin and Paschal began pitching movies like Lee Daniels the Butler, 12 Years A Slave, Think Like A Man, and Ride Along. All movies with African American casts because the President is black. Wow. The two apologized for their remarks saying they were “meant to be funny”. These are the things being sent in email, can you imagine the things that they say directly to each other? These people seem to think this is normal to joke around like this about the highest office in the land. It’s a shame that there has been no penalty for these ignorant words.

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