
FBI Director James Comey Learns of Trump Firing by TV

FBI director James Comey testified he felt “mildly nauseous” that he may have helped get Trump elected when he reopened the probe into Hillary Clinton right at the tail end of the election. Donald Trump then did what any self respecting President would do, he fired James Comey. The craziest part is that Comey learned of the firing not from the… Read more →

Trump: White House & 100 Senators Go Over North Korean Options

On Wednesday the White House invited all 100 sitting US Senators for a closed door meeting regarding North Korea. President Trump was expected to make an appearance at the meeting but that was not confirmed. It was mainly with the Secretary of State and top generals to go over the nuclear capabilities of North Korea and possible responses from the… Read more →

Donald Trump Offers AP Interviewer a Coke and a Smile

  The AP sat down with Donald Trump for an interview recently and, wouldn’t you know it, he said things that made people groan. It’s no surprise that anytime Trump speaks the internet salivates for juicy details on every flip flop or “oops” moment. There is truly never a dull Trump interview because you don’t know what he will say… Read more →

North Korea Threatens US; China Puts Bombers on High Alert

China has put their military bombers and other aircraft personnel on high alert following a warning from North Korea that they would be conducting a nuclear test on April 20th. The precaution comes after missile tests and other provocation from North Korea against US and South Korea who have been ramping up military exercises together making the North Korean leader… Read more →

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