Tag Archive for US

Climate Denier Trump Pulls US from Paris Climate Accord

President Donald Trump has made his climate denial no secret, once famously blaming the Chinese for creating the hysteria in order to manipulate their currency, or whatever the conspiracy theory he was peddling at the time. Well, Trump has now taken his climate denial to another level as he has decided to have the US walk away from the Paris… Read more →

FBI Director James Comey Learns of Trump Firing by TV

FBI director James Comey testified he felt “mildly nauseous” that he may have helped get Trump elected when he reopened the probe into Hillary Clinton right at the tail end of the election. Donald Trump then did what any self respecting President would do, he fired James Comey. The craziest part is that Comey learned of the firing not from the… Read more →

North Korea Threatens US; China Puts Bombers on High Alert

China has put their military bombers and other aircraft personnel on high alert following a warning from North Korea that they would be conducting a nuclear test on April 20th. The precaution comes after missile tests and other provocation from North Korea against US and South Korea who have been ramping up military exercises together making the North Korean leader… Read more →

BREAKING: Trump Warned Russia Before US Strike on Syria

On Thursday, the US answered back against the Syrian government and the recent use of chemical weapons on their own people in the form of a military strike where the US launched 60 Tomahawk cruise missiles at the Syrian air-base which carried out the chemical attacks. According to reports, prior to the US missile launch a US official claims that… Read more →

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