Abortion is put back into the forefront just as Democrats want it

It has been a common theme in this election cycle for someone from the respective parties inserts their foot firmly in mouths and the opposing party pounces on it. A week ago is was Joe Biden with his “Chains” comment and this week begins with Missouri Republican Todd Akin making a comment about incendiary comment about rape that has the Democratic party salivating at the mouth. Akin was being interviewed on a television station and asked whether he believed abortion should be allowed when it comes to rape. Akin proceeded to say that according to “doctors” a woman’s body has a way to shut down when it comes to a “legitimate rape” making it improbable that she would get pregnant.


Not only is this statement scientifically inaccurate but it almost seems to insinuate that if a woman happens to get pregnant then maybe it was not a “legitimate rape”. Akin was quick to say that he simply misspoke but the damage had been done. This testimonial puts abortion squarely into the limelight on a Monday meaning we can look forward to a weeklong stream of questions about abortion directed at Republican Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney and running mate Paul Ryan as well as other random Republicans and I am sure we will get a few interesting answers. That is all it will take in order to give this story legs. Mitt Romney was quick to denounce Akins comments as well as many other high ranking Republicans with some even asking for Akin to give up his Senate run.

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President Obama was quick to jump on this with a surprise press conference on Monday where he condemned the remarks by Akin. “Let me first say the views expressed were offensive,” Obama said. “Rape is rape, and the idea that we should be parsing and qualifying and slicing what types of rape we’re talking about doesn’t make sense to the American people and certainly doesn’t make sense to me.” President Obama also made a point to reference a House Republican bill co-sponsored by Akin and Rep. Paul Ryan that distinguished “forcible rape” in banning funding for abortion. The language drew the ire from women’s advocacy groups and was withdrawn after the outcry.


Democrats are hoping to use this as a way to highlight the Republicans anti-abortion record but they may want to tread lightly as recent Gallup polls show about 52% of Americans believe abortion should only be legal in certain circumstances as well as a record low 41% of Americans identifying themselves as Pro-Choice. The Obama campaign is aiming to focus on the more conservative views on this topic of running mate Paul Ryan. In a interview given to The Weekly Standard in 2010 Ryan was stated, “I’m as pro-life as a person gets.” Paul Ryan has voted against abortion rights a perfect 59 times in his 14 years of Congress. The campaign hopes to be able to paint Romney with a more conservative brush of his running mate in order to paint the Republican ticket as being against women’s health rights. Only time will tell if the portrait materializes.

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