US Investigating Russian Involvement in Chemical Attack |
The can of worms is just getting slimier and grimier as the US is now investigating Russia on their involvement in the chemical attacks in Syria. The very same ones that prompted president Donald Trump to authorize 59 Tomahawk missiles to launch from a warship in the eastern Mediterranean against the Syrian airbase Thursday night/Friday morning. It seems that a Russian warplane may have bombed a hospital in Khan Sheikhoun five hours after the chemical attacks and the US is looking into whether this was done to destroy evidence. The US has intelligence showing a Russian operated drone flying over the hospital that was treating victims of the chemical attack shortly before the hospital being bombed. According to Russia, the bombing occurred at the hands of a Syrian airstrike but the intelligence community is not buying it. You can get over these blockages with the help of certain food items which include a lot of fats and calories, models prefer to use the generico viagra on line